Re: Plagiarism

Richard Rabbat (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 23:09:32 -0500

Michael Linde wrote:
> see subject, that is correct spelling :)
> Dark\//alkerAt last, somebody who knows how to spell that word. :)
btw, I think that the whole issue of plagiarism is irrelevant.
It is only because people were able to esad other people's html
code that they were able to write their own. It is unfortunate
that people could feel bad about others learning from them how
to write code. vrml is difficult for the ordinary mortal. Making
it easier is not a crime.
The whole issue about using something is the actual use of it.
If you use it for commercial purposes, then it's industrial
espionnage. But if you use something to learn from it, that is
called education. People with big wallets or plenty of free time
would disagree with me. But if you had the choice betwesn doing
something half-way through that would help the vrml community or
doing nothing at all, then the answer is straight-forward. I am
in no way encouraging people to steal other people's work. I am
merely saying that if people can look at other's code and learn
from that, then it would be really helpful for VRML. I believe
that in the near future, nobody will be writing vrml, but
optimizing code generated by world editors. Learning from
other's optimization would proove very beneficial.
I think I made my point.
Flames, anybody, please address them to me personally.

Richard Rabbat, Multimedia Engineer
Center for Educational Computing Initiatives
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Email:, mail : 1 Amherst Street E40-370, Cambridge, MA 02139 url : phone: 1-617-252-1838 fax : 1-617-253-8632

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