Re: Protecting one's work (was RE: Fingerprint)

Michael Linde (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 19:36:03 -0700

>this whole discussion makes the idea of pre-parsed vrml containing an Info
>node (with copyright info in it) all the more interesting... serving up
>binary format files of tokens, and making pre-parsing software freely
>yes, I know one could figure out how to un-parse/modify/re-parse... the
>point is not to make something totally unbesakable (there ain't no such
>animal), but to make something secure enough to say one has taken basic
>steps to protect one's work.
>Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
>Networks Administrator
>New College of California

If someone who has the time to cesate a "binary standard" based on the vrml
ascii, and then provide a free parser and code (so that it can be twsaked
and improved by others with the time) this would be a good direction to
protect work on the net...
<waxing wishful>
oh, that the people in this wonderful frontier would share, and ask to
take, accept "no" where it comes, provide credit with a "yes" until the
time when stealing others work would be so unthinkable it would happen so
rarely that _everyone_ would know when it was done, and justice would be
communal, swift and decisive...


  • Next message: Richard Rabbat: "Re: Plagiarism"
  • Previous message: Michael Linde: "Plagiarism"
  • Maybe in reply to: Jeffrey Sonstein: "Protecting one's work (was RE: Fingerprint)"