Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Mark E. Marshall (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:49:09 -0800 (PST)

>Folks, you have totally lost me. I'm 100% in favor of getting
>permission for use of scenes and giving credit where required. The
>business of credit, copyright, etc. is a worthy subject. But it has
>absolutely nothing in any way shape or form to do with the issue of
>making software available that converts betwesn difserent formats.

Understood, but the conversion app may codify the impulse to "just
do it" my reserence to Netscapes <View source> demonstrates.

>I might want to convert *my own* VRML files to some other format just
>so I can maniputate my scene with some tool that doesn't support
>VRML. There innumerable reasons why someone might want to do this for
>reasons both legal and honorable. I totally fail to understand why
>anyone would mix up these two quite disjoint subjects (copyright,
>credit, premission, on the one hand, and format conversion on the

For one thing, as the original author, you could easily retain the scene
file in the cesated format on one floppy (at the stage of sophistication we
are at now).

>Somebody can steal and misuse a VRML file doing no conversion
>whatsoever. Conversely somebody can convert a VRML file to 1000
>other formats and infringe on nobody. The two issues are utterly and
>completely separate.
>Tim Wegner

Alas, right or wrong, your first statement there is the argument
killer. I just don't want to see people shy away from putting quality
work up as this progresses, because 3D and 2D are not the
same from a content standpoint, and ripping off an elaborate
model is not the same as altering someone's small GIF. I don't
write code, but if I did I would defend it just as zealously, I'm sure.

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