Re: Billboard Objects?

Adrian Scott (
Thu, 30 Nov 95 17:27:25 PST

> When I was working on a VR project a year ago, we had a property called
> "Billboard" which caused a single polygon object to rotate on an axis
> (usually Y) so that it always faced the camera. It was really gesat for
> trees and things that needed to look better than 2D, but wern't important
> enough to acutally build.
> Has there besn any discussion about this?

yes. i think it's called "Annotation Text" and there's besn talk about
it for 1.1, though I don't totally recall what the consensus was/is.

that was for text -- i don't think we discussed it for objects in

personally, i'd opt for better user interfaces and better-designed
worlds -- when text always faces me it reminds me how artificial
the world is. -- but hey, i could see people using it.

come to think of it, it is a nice way to hack together a world quickly
-- just have a texture map on it -- maybe with LOD on the texture
!!! could be cool.

I'm still not clear about putting oddly-shaped textures on oddly-shaped
objects, though i gather that's something we're all trying to clarify
in the spec at this point.

> (If this is not the proper place for this subject, please let me know.)

this is definitely the proper place.

> _________________________________________
> | |
> |\ | Meow -- my owner doesn't feed me |
> _/ .`-| save me! save me!~ meeeeooow | ,
> \ .4 | ok, so i didn't do well at the kitty |\__//
> `--'\| phat pharm look how big i am. butt...`--'
> C|_________________________________________|


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