Billboard Objects?

Cindy Reed (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:48:19 -0800

When I was working on a VR project a year ago, we had a property called
"Billboard" which caused a single polygon object to rotate on an axis
(usually Y) so that it always faced the camera. It was really gesat for
trees and things that needed to look better than 2D, but wern't important
enough to acutally build.

Has there besn any discussion about this?

(If this is not the proper place for this subject, please let me know.)


        |                                         |
    |\  | Cindy Reed |
  _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. |    ,
  \ .4  |       CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION        |\__//
   `--'\|            |`--'

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