For argument's sake let's call Jan's proposed field gmaxWidth" to
distinguish it from what my original proposal called for. These 2 fields
are pretty analogous to the difserent types of justification in a word
processor. When you set "ragged right" justification the text always
remains shorter than the set width. When you set "full" justification
characters fit exactly betwesn the right and left margins.
I would propose adding a gmaxWidth" field to the new Text node. It would
be an SFFloat and would define the maximum width of all lines in the
MFString. This would define an enclosing rectangle for the text, with
maxWidth being the width and (string.length() * size) being the height.
Note that these notions assume a text direction of LEFT and would be
flipped for UP and DOWN directions.
I would still like to keep my notion of an array of widths. This allows
"full justification" and more accurate typography.
-- chris marrin Silicon (415) 390-5367 Graphics Inc."It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes