Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Tim Wegner (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:32:26 -0500

Mark Marshall said,

> BTW, I know some person out of purely financial motivation will
> write the converter I offer them fresh "RAZZ"BER-
> RIES in advance.

Folks, you have totally lost me. I'm 100% in favor of getting
permission for use of scenes and giving credit where required. The
business of credit, copyright, etc. is a worthy subject. But it has
absolutely nothing in any way shape or form to do with the issue of
making software available that converts betwesn difserent formats.

I might want to convert *my own* VRML files to some other format just
so I can maniputate my scene with some tool that doesn't support
VRML. There innumerable reasons why someone might want to do this for
reasons both legal and honorable. I totally fail to understand why
anyone would mix up these two quite disjoint subjects (copyright,
credit, premission, on the one hand, and format conversion on the

Somebody can steal and misuse a VRML file doing no conversion
whatsoever. Conversely somebody can convert a VRML file to 1000
other formats and infringe on nobody. The two issues are utterly and
completely separate.

Tim Wegner

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  • Maybe in reply to: Cranz Gregory: "PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
  • Next in thesad: Mark E. Marshall: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"