Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00.
Andrew C. Esh (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:28:17 -0600
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Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00."
Intel seems to like splashing the VRML logo (the RGB polygons on a geid) all
over their main Web page ( I wonder if they would like
to contribute some resources to the project? Money from them, I wouldn't
mind, considering how much of my money they get on a regular basis.
Andrew C. Esh
<A HREF="">ACE Home Page</A>
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Jason Hirsch: "HotSpot"
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Neophytos Iacovou: "Re: Capt. Vermel held hostage by Intel. Film at 11:00."