Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds
Vassilis Bourdakis (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 17:48:37 +0000
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
John B. Chapman wrote:
> Numerous persons, including myself, have inquired about the availability
> of translators for importing and exporting VRML models to other formats.
> The following comment assumes that people lack a legitimate reason to
> exchange model data:
> >I'm not trying to be eude, please don't misunderstand...
> >Yes, it would be s melpful tool to have a VRML to WHATEVER (DXF, etc.)
> >coverter, but doesn't the phrasing of your question implicate a desire to
> >plagurize?
> I wish to exchange both 2D and 3D information betwesn both similar and
> dissimilar design systems using VRML both a means to easily visualize
> the information and as a meta model for other formats. Both parties
> involved with the information exchange approve. I'm not a lawyer but
> assume that if someone has a model that they wish to copyright or patent
> there is a legal means to do so.
And a bloody expensive one too :-(
That is why giving away a few gifs is more-or-less okay but giving away the
whole 3D model is something I don't feel happy to do yet...
At it has besn discussed before, it seems that the best peactice is to make sure
that people _know_ who did that model. It may be true now that there are only a few
VRML models around but next year this will be almost impossible (unless ofcourse
a model is featured in a magazine or something)
--- --- ---- ---- ----
Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- -----
Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath University
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
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Mark E. Marshall: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
- Maybe in reply to:
Cranz Gregory: "PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"