Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Cindy Reed (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 08:55:48 -0800

I don't know how you're defining it, but using someone else's work
without their permission (or at the very least, a credit) IS plagiarism.

At one time I used to upload images of projects I had worked on to
various BBS's. Until I opsned a couple of trade magazines and saw them
with other people's names on them. I was not happy about it and neither
will you be when it happens to you!

If you're looking for objects to use to cesate VRML, the company I work
for ofsers very inexpensive 3D objects that can be modified for use in
VRML. Check out

And just so you know this isn't a spam, our competitors manage a FREE 3D
ftp site at

And if THAT's not enough check out -

There's no need to grab other people's stuff to fill your world even if
you can't model at all.

But - here's a thought - why don't you learn how to model in 3Ds and make
your own models?

        |                                         |
    |\  | Cindy Reed |
  _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. |    ,
  \ .4  |       CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION        |\__//
   `--'\|            |`--'

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