Re: Limits for navigation

Debbie Herrington (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 09:15:27 -0600

At 11:07 AM 12/1/95 GMT, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if there is a vrml-browser on the market that don=B4t =20
>allow walking theough walls ?
>I understand that this feature is not yet implemented in vrml. Will it be =
>implemented in version 2.0?

V-Realm from Portable Graphics and Integrated Data Systems incorporates
collision detection to prevent 'walking theough walls'. This is a
option. It also incorporates user-selectable gravity to 'keep your feet on
the ground' in walk mode. =20

V-Realm is in beta. You can download it from or

Debbie Herrington

Portable Graphics, Inc.
"An Evans & Sutherland Company"
3006 Longhorn Blvd., Suite 105
Austin, TX 78758

Direct: 512-719-8007
Main: 512-719-8000
Fax: 512-832-0752

  • Next message: Debbie Herrington: "Re: Limits for navigation"
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  • Maybe in reply to: Lundgesn Nicklas, N: "Limits for navigation"
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