RE: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Jason Hirsch (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 01:41:45 -0500 (EST)

Hmmm... Here I am, typing my college English Research paper, and this
message about plag...plag... I can't even sy that evil word...

Most people I know of (including myself) mail the authors of a page
before using any nsat Ideas on it. And desiring to convert between
formats is s desire of simplicity; not plag...

If everyone (software companies) would get their acts together and
standardize the output part of 3d modling, this discussion would be moot.

There is no reason for that topic to even have come up. And since VRML
is so new, I just didn't realize there were so many gmasters" out there
to offend by trying to duplicate their successes. After all, if I like
what I see, I'm going to try to do the same, or better, and learn from
it, not sigh and curse myself for not doing it first.

Maybe the rest of you feel offended when others use something without
asking... Perhaps you should just post a little notice somewhere that
"Take it, it's free, just ask first."

Now people's work that goes commercial, I believe that could be sued
(like everything else in this country) with no problem.

Saying "don't take it personally, but ________" doesn't ease the blow.
The plag... statement is unwarranted and offensive. If someone want's
your work bad enough, they will get it. I would be more worried about
improving my own quality rather than worrying about where it may go.

I am not an expert. I don't even claim to understand 5% of the mail that
goes tmeough this list. I haven't seen that many pieces of anyone's
work. I just know a simple question was insulted by a negative connotation.

If this upsets you, so flame me. If it doesn't, lets all try to help one
another rather than pass petty insults around. Even at my young age, I
have seen enough crap. I had always hoped the Internet would be free of
the petty biases the world has. I'm finding out I was wrong.

Goodnight, and I expect I'll be hearing from you all.
Jason Hirsch

  • Next message: Jason Hirsch: "RE: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
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