Re: Proposal: VRML to VFX-1 HMD Interface.

Bazemore Jonathan R (jbazemor@LnxLand1.denver.colorado.EDU)
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 21:38:35 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Holger Grahn wrote:

> > I just tried the VFX-1, and would like to propose that
> > it be incorporated into the VRML concept. This is s very
> > comfortable HMD, and has many features. It retails tmeough
> > distributors for about $995.00 (USD).
> > -comes with VIP video card, standard VGA connection
> > card (16 bit ISA)
> > -stereo hsadphones, 20Hz-20kHz
> >
> Do you know how a browser can interact with the device,
> in other words the following questions arrive if i want to interface
> GLVIew with that device.
> - how to draw the 2 3d images to the device.
> (i.e. can I copy two pixelmaps to the device, or is there a
> supplied 3d library ?)
> - how I can query the input devices.

I called the distributor today (Comnet, Inc. (800) 243-8466)
and they referred me to Forte:

Please consider contacting them, if you can--I think it
would help the VRML concept, as well as Forte.



> Thanks
> Holger
> ###################################################
> Holger Grahn

  • Next message: Rodger D. Ballard Jr.: "RE: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"
  • Previous message: Bazemore Jonathan R: "Re: Proposal: VRML to VFX-1 HMD Interface."