RE: Controle of View point
Jan Hardenbergh (
Wed, 29 Nov 95 10:54:00 E
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Jan Hardenbergh: "RE: Controle of View point"
>> I am interested in hiarakical VMRL. It means, for example, there is
>> city.wrl. city.wrl containes many buildings. Each building have many
>> rooms. They defain building1.wrl, building2.wrl.... and room1.wrl
>> room2.wrl ..... and so on. They linked by VRML script for each
>> building and for each room. At first, I go to city.wrl and walk city.
>> There are many buildings. I reach one of building. Click autimatic
>> door. It linked one of building.wrl and load it. I walk it. I find
>> a room and I click door then load linked room.wrl. I walk it.
>> There is some problem. When switch to .wrl, view point need to set
>> for each .wrl. And when I back room.wrl to building.wrl, .wrl must
>> know room.wrl linked whitch door in building.wrl and view point need
>> to set. So reverse link can not set or may be verry difsicult in VRML.
Yes, this is possible by convention, not by the standard. The convention is
append the view point anme to the .wrl file. For example,
I believe, tho I have not checked with all browser writers, that the view
needs to be specified in a Cameras switch. This works:
DEF Cameras Switch
whichChild 0
DEF Front1 PerspectiveCamera
orientation 0 1 0 -0.0408407
position -5.31224 0 130
DEF Front2 PerspectiveCamera
orientation 0 1 0 -0.0408407
position -5.29224 0.08 130
If anyone knows a better write up of this, please post it.
YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlborough, MA 01752
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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Jan Hardenbergh: "RE: Controle of View point"