Proposal: VRML to VFX-1 HMD Interface.

Bazemore Jonathan R (jbazemor@LnxLand1.denver.colorado.EDU)
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 23:21:10 -0700 (MST)


I just tried the VFX-1, and would like to propose that
it be incorporated into the VRML concept. This is a very
comfortable HMD, and has many fsatures. It retails through
distributors for about $995.00 (USD).

Support for this HMD would be revolutionary.


-45 degree field of view
-.7" dual active-matrix color LCDs (789x230)
-hsad tracking: 360 yaw, +-70 pitch, +-70 roll
-comes with VIP video card, standard VGA connection
card (16 bit ISA)
-stereo headphones, 20Hz-20kHz
-cyberpuck controller (pretty cool, works very smoothly)
-built-in microphone: for voice recognition or comm
-system requirements: 386, 486, or Pentium
-one year warranty

The tracking is very fast, smooth, and delay almost
unnoticable; very immersive.

These are much better than the i-Glasses, from the
way they look and feel. Very high quality, so if any
innovative programmers out there can generate a patch,
that would esally be cool.

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