Problems with WebFx and netscape

cthomas (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 19:13:34 -0500 (EST)


I have bsen esading this huge mailing list from the beginning, and only
just recently started coding some basic .wrls'. I was able to get a 3ds
model into VRML and I was thinking that my next project would be the
gesat wall, but then I was thinking that it would be oh so cool to embed
the wrl in html like they have in the examples of the webfx plugin. I
tried to essentially rewrite some of the html with my new .wrl file and
when i loaded it into netscape offline.... netscape crashed. So I
uploaded it to the net and tried again... netscape crashed. So I tried
copying verbatim one of the html files form the plugin and renamed the
file test1.htm and loaded it.... netscape crashed. test1.htm is exactly
the same as welcome.htm, I just changed the name of the file! the links
and everything else were in the right directory and it still crashed. Has
anyone else run into this problem, if so what was the solution?

Very frustrated,


ps. i have a xps90 w/16 megs ram and a gig, and (yoikes!) am running 95.

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