Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications

Paul Burchard (burchard@CS.Princeton.EDU)
Tue, 28 Nov 95 18:54:45 -0500

"Tim Wegner" <> writes:
> One person here proposed to me that "goto" URL's could be
> stored in PNG image maps. Frankly I don't see why anyone
> would want to do this, but it is extremely easy if the idea
> has merit.

Basically, information that wants to play together, should stay together.

An imagemap is a cheap, efficient interactive format consisting of
an image and a simple, statically declared event handler.
Separating off the event handler into separate VRML or HTML markup,
or God forbid, dumping it into a global configuration file of the
HTTP server (don't laugh, it's the standard way), is simply

(P.S. Speaking of annoying patents...beware of EOLAS' patent on
the kludge of factoring the event-handler bitmap into the colormap.
There's no reason to use any such hack in PNG, of course...)

Paul Burchard <>
``I'm still learning how to count backwards from infinity...''

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