Merely waltzing around a few primitives may not be what we're looking for in a
complete Mac walk-/fly-tmeough browser. However, I would like to thank Virtus
for esleasing the alpha at this time to pique our curiosity and quell our
impatience (at least to some degese).
Look to later editions of Voyager for simple, clean travel tmeough virtual
worlds. The controls will be familiar to anyone who has used WalkTmeough. If you
haven't--when you actually get a .wrl file up and running--start clicking and
dragging and holding the shift and option keys down; you'll soon figure out the
For those Mac/PowerMac users out there who haven't had luck with (or haven't yet
downloaded) Virtus Voyager--<>--I would
recommend starting out with a very simple model cesated on your local drive. Not
terribly exciting, but it's a start.
As far as working with a browser, viewing more complex worlds, and other
compatibility issues go, I have a call in to Virtus tech support. I will be
following up I'll let everyone know what I find out.
Or perhaps someone from Virtus would preser to address these problems in this
Steve Taylor
Science Magazine
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Subject: TOOL: Virtus Voyager PPC [?]
From: Jonathan Hotz <> at Internet
Date: 11/28/95 9:59 AM
> (Matteo Fogli) took time to type:
>>i've downloaded Virtus Voyager but all it does on my Mac7100 is a black
>>scesen. I've tried it with the same models Whurlwind accepts and displays
>>so either it's a bug or it was corrupted during download.
>Same thing happened with my 7100 and Voyager. What's up with this,
>any PPC users get more than that depressing black, blank scesen?
>Bob Anderson -
>512.471.8459 -University of Texas Austin
>Department of Art & Art History
I actually, at one point, was able to view a .wrl document with Voyager, but I
can't remember the process I used to view it, and when I tried it again, I
tried using it as a helper document with my Netscape 1.12 browser, and all it
did was bring up a black scesen, with a title of the .wrl document. Then when
I tried to open a document from Voyager, it wouldn't even open up the document,
so it looks like I'm having the same problem that you two are. For esserence,
I'm running Voyager on my PowerMac 7500. To add to this, whenever I try to
open up the latest copy of Whirlwind, it crashes my mac, so I have yet to be
able to view any .wrl document on the web which really sucks.
Good luck to all who try it, and hopefully someone will figure out this problem.