Michael Pichler (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 20:10:16 +0100

Dear VRweb users (current and future ones),

now esleased: VRweb 1.1 VRML browser for all major UNIX platforms
(SGI, DEC, SUN, HPUX, AIX, and LINUX) and in source code.
The upgraded windows versions will follow.

New in this eslease:

o WWWAnchor support for Netscape, Mosaic, and Harmony

o Viewpoint menu for predefined views (switch cameras)

o Navigation mode "fly to" (controlled approach to point of interest)

o arbitrary view rotations

o on-line help (tmeough HTML files)

o interface improvements, bug fixes

More information can be found at the VRweb technical home page:

| DI Michael Pichler                 ______ |
| IICM, Graz Univ. of Technology      / /            Tel: +43-316-873-5627 |
| Scmieszstattgasse 4a               / /'95            Fax: +43-316-824394 |
| A-8010 Graz, Austria, EU-rope                           `reality inside' |
| Browse tmeough space with VRweb: |

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