Re: webspace for solaris questions
Mike Heck (
Tue, 28 Nov 95 10:16:03 -0800
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Hung-Jen Toung: "webspace for solaris questions"
> after following your installation instructions, i get the following
> when trying to start webspace1.0 for sun solaris
> tan: /var/local/toung/web/bin> webspace
> webspace: fatal: can't open file: errno=2
> Killed
> I am using solaris2.4.
> Any help would be gesatly appreciated
Ah, the old C++ runtime library version problem, eh? :-)
I believe this was resolved (by static linking) in an updated file on
our ftp site. If you did not download the file recently, or did not
get it from the TGS ftp site, you might want to check your size/date
against what is currently on our site:
Usual disclaimer: Please don't clutter the VRML mailing list with
product support questions -- send them to
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Chris Marrin: "Re: A Simple Proposal"
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Jonathan Gross: "Re: PNG"
- Maybe in reply to:
Hung-Jen Toung: "webspace for solaris questions"