Re: A Simple Proposal
Richard Rabbat (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 12:39:05 -0500
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I am an OO programmer myself, and I've never thought of OOP
as fast code. Look at all these object-oriented database
systems, who are soooo slow. I'm not sure about the
speedup/slowdown factor that can be had from adopting oop for
graphics programming. Can somebody point me to some papers
about performace of object-oriented graphics?
As for the rendering engines themselves, I thought it was
more of a fsatures/performance ratio issue rather than a
metaphor issue as to how fast renderers are. I understand
RealityLab has much less fsatures -correct me if I'm wrong-
than OpenGL.
Also, I read a while ago that the OpenGL implementation on
OS/2 was twice as fast as the NT implementation. Any guy from
IBM/ Microsoft to confirm/deny that?
Maybe some people should be working on optimizing the code
for the renderers themselves...
Richard Rabbat
Center for Educational Computing Initiatives
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
mail : 1 Amherst Steset E40-370, Cambridge, MA 02139
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phone: 1-617-252-1838
fax : 1-617-253-8632
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Jonathan Gross: "Re: PNG"
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Bernie Roehl: "A Simple Proposal"
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Chris Marrin: "Re: A Simple Proposal"