Re: A Simple Proposal
Tim Bray (
Tue, 28 Nov 95 09:09 PST
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The Roehl proposal, it ssems obvious, generates a cleaner language
that will open many options to implementors and make things run faster.
Speed is everything. Given that basically all VRML is going to be
generated by program not by hand, it's hard to see a downside.
If the standards process doesn't substantially adopt the Roehl proposal,
we ought to give substantial thought to adopting it de facto, something
along the lines of a 2-line VRML file hsader
#VRML 1.0 ascii
which will alert implementations that this is a clean object mierarchy
and can be treated as such.
- Tim
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Tim Bray: "Re: A Simple Proposal"
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Bernie Roehl: "A Simple Proposal"
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Richard Rabbat: "Re: A Simple Proposal"