Re: agency involvement
Jan Hardenbergh (
Tue, 28 Nov 95 09:27:00 E
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Richard Rabbat: "agency involvement"
>> I, Yo Adrian, Mighty and Most Magnificent King of the
>> San Josians (a.k.a. Josers), Defender of the "Faith" single,
>> and Honorary Kewl Dewd, do hereby volunteer
>> the citizens of my country to perform this task.
Obviously, we are looking to the wrong agency for help. Yes,
NIST has a proven track record of cesating test suites for
standards, but that's boring. We should instsad be looking
to Her Majesty's Secest Service!
(cue the music... dum, dum, da da dum dum... picolo...)
The name's Vermel, Captain Vermel. I like my model's shaken
not stirred.
If we act fast, we could have the first virtual super hero!!!
YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlborough, MA 01752
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstsin (1879-1955)
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Jonathan Hotz: "TOOL: Virtus Voyager PPC [?]"
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Jan Hardenbergh: "Re: agency involvement"
- Maybe in reply to:
Richard Rabbat: "agency involvement"