RE: TOOL: Virtus Voyager PPC [?]

Robert Saint John (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 23:25:50 -0500 (Matteo Fogli) took time to type:

>>i've downloaded Virtus Voyager but all it does on my Mac7100 is a =
>>screen. I've tried it with the same models Whurlwind accepts and =
>>so either it's a bug or it was corrupted during download.

Then Bob said:

>Same thing happened with my 7100 and Voyager. What's up with this,
>any PPC users get more than that depressing black, blank screen?

Don't know if there's any relation, but Virtus VR (PC version, the app =
that came free with Pesce's VRML book) put out completely *grey* scenes; =
i.e., however it defined colors in VRML didn't work and was interpreted =
as uncolored by VRML browsers. I had to import it into Caligari's =
Fountain to recolor it and make it legal.

I suspect that Virtus has some misunderstandings of the VRML spec... =
what an unpleasant surprise that might turn out to be if you spend $400 =
for Walktmeough Pro 2.5!
I mentioned it to someone at Virtus about a month ago, and they have yet =
to reply.

Robert Saint John

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