Re: camera motion & scale

Mitra (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 17:29:31 -0800

At 2:43 PM 11/27/95, Greg Hale wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone has addressed camera motion - what is an
>appropriate speed for a camera in a given space? Is it something that can
>be specified in the language? Or is implied by the data tmeough some

This is currently done with a named info node, it should end up as one of
the fields of the Pseudo-Nodes proposed for VRML1.1

>Also, just curious, have people been accurately designing real-life art at
>the 1 unit == 1 meter scale convention ( pp 111 of VRML ... by Pesce )?
>Obviously the 'solar system' example is not real size :), but are tables
>about 1 meter high, people 1.5, rooms about 10, etc...?

VRML specifies that 1 unit==1meter, it isn't a convention - of course,
people can build worlds any way they like, but if they want to WWWInline
each other, then they should keep to the convention.

This will become much more important once we have multi-user worlds, when
the size of someone's avatar better match well with the size of the world.

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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