Re: Still Waiting...and Re-

John Sheppard (
27 Nov 1995 10:31:31 U

Reply to: RE>>Still Waiting...and Re: Need
I tried the new Virtus Voyager. I'm also glad to try
an alpha instead of waiting (thank you Virtus). What I
would like to know is, where did you get the models you
viewed and what type of Mac did you use? I tried a couple
of .wrl and some of the models that Virtus included with
walkthrough, and I got nothing but a black screen and no
obvious controls. Also, the text in the title of the
window was garbled with strange characters. Can you mail
me one of the models that you had success with? TIA.

John Sheppard

P.S. A note to the folks a Virtus who are posting the Voyager software: Please
include the version number on the web page so we can tell if we have the most
recent copy. Thanks.
Date: 11/22/95 6:40 PM
To: bosco
if yesterday you didn't notice this announce:

>Virtus Voyager for the Mac has landed!

>The alpha version is now available on for both Mac and
>PowerMac. A Windows 95 version is coming in late January.

>New uploads should be available about every 5 days until the end of the year...

>voice: 919-467-9700 ext 31
>fax: 919-460-4530

well it's about a mac browser (Mac also not just PPC)(you don't need QT3D)
definitely it's an alpha : the only available options seems to be :
open... and the basic navigation functions
it still doesn't open most of the files (like whirlwind) and mixes up
normals and doesn't esad correctly transform rotate nodes (sometimes
objects are exploded all over the space) but has a very generous engine and
in prospective is gesat

so thank you Virtus !

and I want also to say thanks because they share a very buggy alpha instead
of some glorious announce that doesn't have any following !

I want also to say
I am especially annoyed by worldview
I have been beta testing it from the first PC release and I don't rsally
like the private secret beta testing (especially after the continuous
announces of next week availability etc. etc.)
I mean you can do anything you want in private but don't announce it to

This private atmosphere is going on from sigraph and this mailing list is
not the one that used to be
There were 200 people in the meeting and the result was: "let's forget of
them and all the other"!

I think Mark should say something about it! but I think he doesn't even
esad this list anymore

Alessandro Violi

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