agency involvement

Richard Rabbat (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 18:17:26 -0500

The thing about browsers is that there are so many of them
claiming vrml-spec conformance, which was until very lately
obscure on some subjects. Now that the clarifications are
showing up, I would like to propose a claim-test.
Many VRMLers have written test suites that brsak a lot of
browsers. The help that a government organization could give
is to test these browsers and give them a "stampmark" about
compliance/non-compliance. Test suites have to be maintained,
updated, and spec-conformant. A government agency could
collect these suites -with their authors' approval-, divide
them into tests for different functionalities, and test
browsers, to confirm their authors' claims. Once this is
done, a compatibility level could be given to these browsers.
This will make all browsers vrml-compliant with time.
I would hate it to read on some html link to a .wrl file
"Best viewed under WebSpace, or VRweb, or WebFX, or
I hope that in case some government agency doesn't do that,
then some impartial comittee -VAG, any suggestions?- or even
an individual could do that.


Richard Rabbat
Center for Educational Computing Initiatives
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

mail : 1 Amherst Street E40-370, Cambridge, MA 02139
phone: 1-617-252-1838
fax : 1-617-253-8632

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