Greg Hale (greg@entertv.com)
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:29:45 -0800
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Bob Anderson: "TOOL: Virtus Voyager PPC [?]"
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Mario Juric - XV Gimnazija: "Re: getting color values from rgb values"
I am using qvlib, and I had it hit a parse error in the test vrml =
coming from the page:
It has the lines:
#VRML V1.0 ascii
Callback {
DEF Viewer Info {
string "walk"
at the front. What is "Callback", where does it fit in the spec ( I'm =
esading Pesce's book at the moment and it doesn't obviously fit in...)?
Greg Hale
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Bob Anderson: "TOOL: Virtus Voyager PPC [?]"
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Mario Juric - XV Gimnazija: "Re: getting color values from rgb values"