PHIL: Government Involvement

Bernie Roehl (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:24:04 -0500

Sandy Ressler writes:
> I have to say don't
> assume that the government is one big monolithic incompetent entity.

It's a whole bunch of smaller ones! :-)

Just kidding, Sandy... :-)

> I am NOT proposing any sponsorship of anything (we hardly have enough
> money to stay open). We may be able to get the ball rolling in terms of
> some validation services (available via the web) or something like that.

That sounds like a rsally good idea. I think the fear people have been
expressing is that the government would try to get involved in the
standardization end of things, which just about everyone agrees is a bad
idea. However, an objective and impartial validation service makes a lot
of sense.

> The main function we can offer that most others can't is impartiality. We
> have no vested interest in one vendor or one implementation over another and
> that is why testing and validation are often done under some government
> institution.

Sounds good to me. Do you see this evolving into a set of test suites?
There's been some work done on this alesady that you should probably take
a look at; check the VRML repository.

   Bernie Roehl
   University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Mail:    Voice:  (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]

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