Re: TOOL: In need of a VRML server.

Eric Olinger (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 08:24:50 -0800

Rodger D. Ballard writes:

> Are there any VRML servers out there. We would like to start one for =
> work [we have web pages set up there via T1's] and would like to step =
to =3D
> the next level. Our platform is Win95 [big suprise there]

You shouldn't need any special servers for serving up VRML, just make =
your HTTP server is configured to return a context type of =
"x-world/x-vrml" for files with an extension of ".wrl" (and ".vrml" if =
you want).

You can take a look at our home page ("") for =
information on VRServer, a tool that lets you set up a VRML site built =
from you existing HTML site. (A Windows95 version is coming this week).

Eric Olinger

President/CEO (619) 736-8473
Tenet Networks, Inc. FAX: 736-4572

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