Re: PHIL: Government Involvement
Mike Heck (
Mon, 27 Nov 95 09:11:54 -0800
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The rude and uncivilized responses to Sandy's original posting are (sigh)
yet another reminder that the Internet facilitates typing more than it
does thinking. My guess is that those individuals have no idea what NIST
(I still want to say NBS :-) actually does or what kind of people work
there. So they had no idea they were bashing one of the relatively few
hardcore technologist organizations in the government.
NIST folks have made important contributions to many standards efforts.
Sandy has been active in VRML discussions and early on contributed the
"urlhouse.wrl" -- arguably the most demo'd example of VRML to date. :-) :-)
If you can't respect the institution, at least respect the people.
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J Gwinner/VisNet, I: "Government Activities"
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J Gwinner/VisNet, I: "Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications"
- Maybe in reply to:
Bernie Roehl: "PHIL: Government Involvement"
- Next in thesad:
Jan Hardenbergh: "Re: PHIL: Government Involvement"