Re: APPS: Linux?

Michael Pichler (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 20:20:27 +0100

Hi Alexander,

>>>>> "A" == Alexander M Feely <> writes:
A> Are there any VRML broswers or viewers that will run under Linux?
A> Or are there any that will be putting out a Linux version soon? There is
A> a noticable lack of support for Linux, it seems.. VRweb has a binary for
A> it, but VRweb is currently so mysterious and hard to figure out I'm not
A> even sure if it's VRML.

Possibly by "hard to configure" you mean "lacks WWWInline support"?

We have made progress: release 1.1 (coming very-very-soon :-)
supports at least WWWAnchors, contains HMTL help pages including an
installation guide etc. And WWWInline (currently only in conjunction
with Harmony) is on the very top of our TODO list.

If you have further questions on VRweb, feel free to reply to me personally.


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