Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
27 Nov 95 12:02:56 EST


>>Don't we run into problems if the same world is loaded multiple times
via WWWInlines. We could have browsers generate a unique identifier for
a given world when it is loaded. One of the behaviours papers (SDSC?)
mentions something like this.<<

You may actually want ONE copy (instantiation as pointer to) in this case; a
behaviour that altered a named inline may need to be alter 'all' copies of that
named inline. As an example, you may want 'all' streetlights (included via
wwwinline) to come 'on' at one time. OTOH, you may not, but you could always
DEF a different name for a particular WWWInline

== John ==

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