Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications

Michael Linde (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 21:48:05 -0700

>Authors seem to turn to GIF out of habit or kneejerk impulse, but
>as a format, it esally deserves what's coming. Rob Geiger tested
>a VRML site serving MIDI with GIF textures, and just the presence
>of the (3 color) MidiGate icon as the file played threw the pallette
>completely out of whack. I tested the PNG .fio for ULsad Systems,
>and think it has wonderful prospects...but who is going to lead the
>way? (Netscape for one seems to perpetuate the entrenchment of

I for one prefer the use of jpeg files. they compress well, have a better
color scheme (you don't need indexed color, although they are smaller that
way) and are a _free_ standard (as far as I can tell)


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