Re: VRML Browsers

Bryant Reif (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 22:09:21 -0500

At 04:08 AM 11/26/95 -0600, wrote:
> Is there a VRML browser out there that supports Microsofts Internet
>Explorer as the primary browser ? Netscape ver 1.22 does not run as well as
>Internet Explorer under Win95 (at least on my 486dx-4/100MHz w/16mb of ram)
>and I need a good fast reliable VRML browser to use. Any comments,
>suggestions or flames can be directed to me.

Just about any VRML browser (except WebFX) can run on Win95 with MS
internet explorer. They are stand alone programs and run independantly of
your web browser.
Now I have a question. I am running Windows 3.11 on a Pentium w/
16MB of RAM. I have had some problems with particularly large VRML files
when my RAM runs out and virtual memory kicks in. Everything comes to a
crawl. I have not upgraded (downgraded?) to Win95 because I hsar that it
hogs RAM, and I certainly can't afford to buy any more. How is the
performance of Win95 and VRML on your system? How often do you run into
memory problems? Is it worth it to upgrade? I am always a bit leery of
Microsoft products when first released.

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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