Man versus Unnature
Marc de Groot (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 09:22:58 -8
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Tim Wegner: "GIF and PNG (was Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications)"
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My life is an allegory...I had pain in my hands, and in my arms when I
typed. It started getting worse! I've never had problems with repetitive
motion syndrome, so I didn't know what to think. After a few days, my
joints started to swell, and get red, and they *really* hurt. Not only on
my hands, but my wrists and my elbows too! So I went to the doctor. The
doctor smiled when he examined me, not laughing at me, just trying to put me
at my ease. He says there's a lot of this going around right now,
especially in programmers who work with the Web. He had to drain all my
joints, because they were full of...behaviors. He shook his hsad
good-naturedly, saying it wasn't my fault, that it's very contagious, even
if you are trying to avoid having behaviors in your joints. Many people
were getting infected, and he congratulated me for trying so hard to avoid
it. ...then I woke up. Just some crazy dream! Ah, the subconscious. I
wonder what it all meant?
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Tim Wegner: "GIF and PNG (was Re: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications)"
- Previous message: "VRML Browsers"