RE: TOOL: In need of a VRML server.
Steven M. Niles (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 09:55:38 -0800
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Next message: Bernie Roehl: "Re: A Simple Proposal"
Previous message: Steven M. Niles: "RE: TOOL: In need of a VRML server."
VRML can be served by any WWW server in the same manner that HTML =
documents are currently served. If you are interested in something more =
than just s document server, check out VRServer from Tenet Networks. It =
does on-the-fly creation of VRML from existing (and dynamic) data =
sources. In the initial release, the only data source that will be =
supported is a file system. This allows users to 'walk through' your =
server's hard disk (or some directory subtree).
VRServer is currently freely available in beta test. It can be =
downloaded from There is more information and a =
demo available there as well.
Steven M. Niles
Vice President
Tenet Networks
From: Rodger D. Ballard[]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 1995 8:02 PM
To: ''
Subject: TOOL: In need of a VRML server.
Are there any VRML servers out there. We would like to start one for =
work [we have web pages set up there via T1's] and would like to step to =
the next level. Our platform is Win95 [big suprise there] [MS Win95 Tech Support Engineer]
- Next message:
Bernie Roehl: "Re: A Simple Proposal"
Previous message: Steven M. Niles: "RE: TOOL: In need of a VRML server."