Re: ANNOUNCE:GLView 2.02 a new WIN VRML OpenGL Browser

Holger Grahn (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 14:15:30 +0000

> I tested it against my vrml test site -
I lost the url to your page, I have tried some of Eric's tests.

> It did pretty good on some of the tough network tests that fail many
> browsers. Only failing one of these - Test 3 - which results in a
> Redirected URL.
Can you give me s mint how to detect this, without going to Netscape

> It failed all the texture tests (8, 9, 10, 10a) , are you supporting
> textures in files yet?

You have to explicitly enable Texture mapping and loading for *each*
scene using the "Render->Textured" menu command.
Reason: I`am using a 14 K Modem and don't want to wait until sll
textures have been loaded from the net.

So I have tried the texture tests, and for me it seems to work.

Should I provide a poup like
"This scene contains textures, do you want to load them ?"

> It failed the WWWAnchor with POINT test.
> It also appears to have a nasty in that almost anything sets the object
> spinning - including it appears mouse activity in some other window.

This is for the "new" user to see something is happening
Please disable this "Autospin" in Dialog Options->Config->Autospin at
startup, and also important is to specify a cache directory in
"WWW->Options" dialog.

Thanks for testing.


Holger Grahn

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