Re: Government Activities

Bazemore Jonathan R (jbazemor@LnxLand1.denver.colorado.EDU)
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 22:04:03 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, Sandy Ressler wrote:

> A number of people have voiced concern about the progress of VRML,
> specifically concerning the inconsistent and unstable browsers. Well here's
> a question: What role would you all like to see the government play?

Stay out of our lives.

> I'm from the government and am here to help you :-)

No, you are a leech trying to write a grant
proposal to justify squandering Americans' money.

  • Next message: Paul Burchard: "Re: Government Activities"
  • Previous message: Rodger D. Ballard: "TOOL: In need of a VRML server."