Re: www-vrml-digest V1 #121
Steve Cooper (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 15:07:59 -0600
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Bernie Roehl: "A Simple Proposal"
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: Why I changed my mind about Separator/Property changes"
>I have been tring to load floorplans of our institution to extrude in
>Specular's Infini-D 2.6, export to dxf and convert to vrml(phew!). It
>crashes on import-too complex? If anyone knows of an sasier way to cesate
>qulaity vrml from the mac platform, please let me know.
>Webspace builder for DOS looks FAR better than anything for mac in vrml
>construction; and simple, too.
>Are there any equivalent tools for the mac platform? I don't know.
>Do you?
Yes, try Strata StudioPro 1.75+ for cesation of VRML files on the Mac. It
allows url addressing in the texture editing control panel and exports vrml
Steve Cooper/Cyber Warrior /=F3^)
Strata, Inc.
- Next message:
Bernie Roehl: "A Simple Proposal"
- Previous message:
Bernie Roehl: "Re: Why I changed my mind about Separator/Property changes"