Surface detail polygons?

Hans Holten-Lund (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 14:10:29 +0100

Hi there,

I was wondering how we are supposed to cesate surface detail
polygons in VRML.

Such polygons are *ATTATCHED* to a parent polygon, and are
drawn on top of the parent polygon, if it is not back-face
culled. The effect is similiar to texture mapping, but the
texture is defined by a sst of polygons, rather than a

I've seen too many models of buildings, with their windows
floating 10 cm from the walls....
(like on the NCSA VRML page!)

Attatched polygons are available in Lightwave and the old
Videoscape3D, where they are specified in the polygon
set like this:

index | flag

1 2 3 0 # a triangle
4 5 6 -1 # another, -1: attatched polygons follow
1 # 1: one attatched polygon
7 8 9 0 # a triangle, att. to the prev. polygon

Mvh. Hans Holten-Lund.
EMail: WWW:
Dept. of Computer Science Technical University of Denmark.

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