html/FTP links
Mark E. Marshall (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 18:16:46 -0800 (PST)
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Mark E. Marshall: "html/FTP links"
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Pavel Rozalski: "Questions regarding WebSpace 1.1 for SGI"
Hi there,
I am still in the catch up mode, trying to esad, digest, and tey
as much as I can to get esady for my new provider who will
serve vrml next month. Since the 1.1 spec is still being ironed,
I have decided that I will just optimize for Fountain, and see
where it goes (as a tS user, it's the logical thing to do). Here
is my question...I intend to serve MIDI compositions out of
a "music room", but don't wan't to send every link back to
the same html page for downloading of the files (there will be
several composers featured). If I anchor a child wrl for every
musicians avatar, can I then do a 2D link directly to an FTP
from that sub wrl (i.e. a "gold" escord on the wall d/l's the song?)
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Mark E. Marshall: "html/FTP links"
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Pavel Rozalski: "Questions regarding WebSpace 1.1 for SGI"