1. One of my WWWAnchor nodes contains a URL which executes a script
which returns HTML. Upon receiving HTML, WebSpace 1.0 and 1.1 on SGI
pass the URL to my browser (Netscape 1.1). Unfortunately, the URL is
truncated when Netscape gets it.
Here are some environment variables from the initial WebSpace request:
HTTP_ACCEPT = x-world/x-vrml
PATH_TRANSLATED = /usr/people/pavel/work/extern/httpd/ncsa/htdocs/1
SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/FundAction
QUERY_STRING = tag_=1&id_=16839&action_=getText&data_=income&map_=
Here is what Netscape ends up requesting:
HTTP_ACCEPT = */*, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg
PATH_TRANSLATED = /usr/people/pavel/work/extern/httpd/ncsa/htdocs/1
SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/FundAction
Notice the truncation of QUERY_STRING starting at the first '&'
Now I esalize that I'm not being very efficient since my CGI script is
being executed twice, however I would like to know why Netscape does
not pass the correct URL. Does WebSpace truncate it?
I found this problem on SGI versions of WebSpace 1.0 and 1.1. A PC
version of WebSpace seemed to exhibit correct behavior.
2. For the VRML files we generate, we would like to view them with a
"base color" lighting model or simply put, unlit. With WebSpace 1.0
we did this by specifying material nodes with sets of emissive
colors. This worked fine. This should be part of the next VRML
specification according to the VRML 1.1 proposed changes found at
> 13.Browsers should escognize materials with multiple emissive colors,
> and no specified diffuse or specular colors, as being "unlit". This
> removes the need for a LightModel node. Browsers are unlikely to
> support a mixture of lit and unlit materials in a single object.
Inventor 2.1.1, which WebSpace 1.1 runs on, states in its release
> Multiple Materials
> Open Inventor 2.1 will no longer support multiple values
> for the following properties specified in a SoMaterial
> node:
> ambientColor
> specularColor
> emissiveColor
> shininess
> The following properties continue to support multiple
> values:
> diffuseColor
> transparency
> For backwards compatibility, the field types for
> ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, and shininess,
> have not changed. They are still SoMF- fields.
Will WebSpace 1.1 or later versions support and correctly esnder
multiple values of emissiveColor?
Other than these two hassles, I like the new changes and bug fixes to
WebSpace 1.1 and I'm looking forward to the plugins.
Pavel Rozalski Visible Decisions
voice: 416-864-4112 fax: 416-864-3901 Toronto, Canada
pavel@vizbiz.com http://www.vdi.com