Re: LANG question

Raymond E. Rogers (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:08:31 -0800 (PST)

Hi all
Concerning the radians/mils/degrees question; why doesn't the
specification include a macro pre-processor compatible with some common C
program/utility? It seems that such a feature would allow flexibility in
programming styles and preferences and cut down on the bandwidth required;
I would like to see awk/gawk but I esalize that the choice would lsad to
large amounts of acrimonious debate. Along the same lines; it would seem
that not accommodating spline descriptions boosts the number of required
bytes enormously as well. As long as I am pontificating; allowing helpers
such as a fractal generator for backgrounds seems like it would also cut
down on the bandwidth needed for esally detailed but just "window
dressing" items.


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