Mac 3D
Michael Linde (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 09:06:48 -0700
- Messages sorted by:
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- Next message:
Raymond E. Rogers: "Re: LANG question"
- Previous message:
Steve Ghee: "RE: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications"
In response to the mac 3Ders out there...I know we've been waiting
a long time (some of us over six months) but the developers need to hear
from us, not (necessarily) this list. Go to the sites that say
Mac/PowerMac in development and e-mail might get you an answer...
- Next message:
Raymond E. Rogers: "Re: LANG question"
- Previous message:
Steve Ghee: "RE: late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications"