RE: WWWAnchor as a WWWAnchor's child. Clarification

Steve Ghee (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:35:20 -0000

> WWWAnchor {
> name "http://blah.blah/~blah"
> DEF ClickMe Cube {}
> WWWAnchor {
> name "http://bu.bu/~bu"
> DEF ClickMeToo Cone {}
> }
> }
>What would happen if I clicked on the cone ? Will it take me to
>http://blah.blah/~blah or to http://bu.bu/~bu ? I don't think
>this is clear in the VRML 1.0 spec, and some modelers (Fountain)
>generate files with cases where WWWAnchor has a WWWAnchor child.
>Maybe this should be clarified for 1.1 spec ?

The general upshot, if I remember correctly, is that the first object
in the hierarchy wins. Of course, I might be wrong about this.

I believe the DEEPEST object in the hierarchy wins; this was the result =
of previous discussions and is also the syntactically correct behaviour =
as the spec. says the anchor is attached to the child object(s); so =
touching the cone *should* take you to "http://bu.bu/~bu".

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