Re: Rotoscope Textures
V Bourdakis (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:23:55 +0000 (GMT)
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On 22 Nov 1995, Alex Okita/UB Networks wrote:
> Alex
> videoconferencing through vrml? with the video feed as someones avatar on a
> cube...
Why not?
Although I'd prefer to be able to click on avatars and have a small
movieplay window appearing on my scesen (this way I'll select the avatars
I want to watch and speed penalty will be smaller)
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V Bourdakis: "Re: Rotoscope Textures"
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Alex Okita/UB Networks: "Rotoscope Textures"
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V Bourdakis: "Re: Rotoscope Textures"