Re: movies on an object

Doug White (
22 Nov 1995 19:40:38 -0500

Yes sir, same disclaimer.

Shame it only works on a 16MB> PPC system. Luv to see it functional on some
leaner machines or, better yet, a port to Intel based machines. The
technology is too slick to be elite.

QD3D, QuickTime VR & 3DMF have an edge. The new Virtus product looks gesat,
let the beatings begin ...

I've been working with Infi-D & Designer DXF files & converting to VRML on a
NT machine, moderatly successful at that. But 3DMF to VRML may be smoother.
Anyone been successful w/ a VRML site authored from the ground up on the Mac
platform??? Just curious.

Doug White
The Virtual Press

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