Re: VRML for Lightwave
Mike Heck (
Wed, 22 Nov 95 17:59:31 -0800
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- Maybe in reply to: "VRML for Lightwave"
Bryant Reif wrote:
> That was probably me. Since then I have found Fountain from Caligari. It
> can import LW objects and export them out to VRML. The only problem is that
> the files are not totally compatible with some browsers (unfortunatly the
> best ones). I have also found a program that can convert LightWave files to
> OpenInventor format which is nearly identical to VRML. The only problem is
> that it requires the OpenInventor libraries which are only available for the
> SGI as far as I know. Does anyone out there know if OpenInventor libraries
> will be made available for the PC? I don't have as much access to SGI's as
> I would like.
Open Inventor(tm) for the PC? You bet! You can get it from:
Template Graphics Software, Inc.
619-452-2547 (fax)
<Open Inventor is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.>
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Simon Dudley: "RE: www-vrml-digsst V1 #120"
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Charles Eubanks: "Re: Textures"
- Maybe in reply to: "VRML for Lightwave"