Re: VRML for Lightwave

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 20:05:51 -0500

At 11:50 AM 11/22/95 -0500, wrote:
>I recall seeing a messege a while back about VRML conversion for Lightwave.
>Is there any known?

That was probably me. Since then I have found Fountain from Caligari. It
can import LW objects and export them out to VRML. The only problem is that
the files are not totally compatible with some browsers (unfortunatly the
best ones). I have also found a program that can convert LightWave files to
OpenInventor format which is nearly identical to VRML. The only problem is
that it requires the OpenInventor libraries which are only available for the
SGI as far as I know. Does anyone out there know if OpenInventor libraries
will be made available for the PC? I don't have as much access to SGI's as
I would like.

Fountain can be found here...

If you find any more info about LightWave utilities, please tell me. It's
my favorite 3D software package.

BTW, I have heard that LW 4.0 is going to come with a plug-in that allows
you to export to VRML. I am still stuck with 3.5, but 4.0 is on the way!


** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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